Friday, September 6, 2019

Supreme Court Laws

First they have to wait for an issue to be brought to them. The judges in the supreme court can't come in and say I wanna fix this. They have to wait for the issue to be presented to them. The supreme court hears cases in public. lawyers on opposing sides of each case are allowed thirty minutes to make their argument in front of the whole court. The nine officials listen to the case and argue their sides. Each justice and lawyers have many ideas and your arguing back and forth. The judges say that oral arguments make a difference. Within a few days after hearing the case the justices gather in a room to talk about the case. Only nine of them are in the room. After they decide what they want to do one of the justices writes a legal opinion explaining the legal reasons for their decision. Opinion writing is the most time consuming part of the justices work. This binds all other courts as they decide future cases. Law clerks assistant in researching and drafting opinions. They also prepare for an oral argument and screening the flow for new petitions. In addition to the majority opinion any justice may write a separate opinion decanting from the decision. Or they can write it about agreeing  result but not agreeing with the reasoning. After the court's opinion drafts are finished in about four weeks all opinion drafts are sent to all nine justices. A justice may redraft a dozen or more times in an effort to persuade the others to their opinion. revisions and adjustments may go on for months. On difficult cases a justice switches sides. The courts decisions on all current cases will be accounted in late June. Then they are allowed to release cops to the press. Then the press converts them and then within hours or minutes they will be on the air. Then the world will find out what the court has ruled on these laws. I feel this is the most efficient way to get laws and issues addressed. Although this process takes a wile it is worth it.

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