Thursday, September 19, 2019

Trump Vs War

Iran has launched an unprecedented attack on the world's energy supply. This was declared by our state  senator Mike Pompeo. He put America's credibility on the line by announcing that he accused Iran of carrying out a deviating attack on Saudis oil fass tiles. This then haunted their oil production of 5.7 billion barrels a day. Trump earlier did not identify Iran is an attacking nation. He then used a tweet to back up his secretary of the states claims. He said that there is no reason to believe that they are responsible for this but we are always prepared if anything should happen. The rebels apparently used drones to strike down the oil factory. The real question is though is having Americans be prepared and the president is quite prepared. That is if anything should happen. If the attack on the oil factory proves to be the work of Iran then they should worry about a posing problem. Before trump orders any strike on Iran he needs to seek approval first. So nothing bad is going to happen yet we are not going to war quite yet. So it is safe to say that everyone is fine for the time being. This whole talk of should America get involved or should they not has left people with such mixed emotions. they just don't know what to do.


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