Friday, October 25, 2019

Snapchat A Real Life Addiction

Snapchat has become a huge form of social media. Children and adults from the ages of 12-28 use it. Its a form of talking via pictures and text. Also you are able to view a story. A snapchat story is a picture that blasts out to everyone in your snapchat contacts for people to see what your up too. Teens have especially become addicted to the app and it has ruined people's mental health in the process. Studies show that 56% of teens who use snapchat have self esteem issues and are not confident in themselves. People can post pics to make other people jealous of what they are doing at the current time. This is not good this can create so many issues in teens growing up. This can impact their friends and can also impact there face to face personal relationships. Teens do not know how to talk to other teens these days. This is due to the amount of technology teens grew up around. I feel that snapchat has impacted my life in a huge way. I always wanna check it and always want to know what people are up too. It has also affected person to person relationships as well. Kids date via electorally and do not know how to have a full conversation face to face. I feel this damages teens and their growth. Snapchat is harming generations and will continue to harm future generations to come. 


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