Sunday, December 1, 2019

Social Media Overload

In some recent facebook article some girl wrote about why she quit social media. This is because social media poisons the minds. She wrote about how that inside the system is killing her ego and her self confidence. I believe that social media is hurting teens at this age. Teens are getting bullied or left out and it is taking a toll on their feelings. I feel that steps need to be taken to improve this impact on teens. I feel that teens should be cut off from social media until they are at least 18. This way they are more mature. The internet also exposes kids to harsh ideas that they do not need to be introduced too. It exposes kids to violet and crimes. My brother for example at age 12 was playing violent games. I feel that he has changed and him growing up as a person. He has been exposed to more ideas that is not needed. I feel that kids these day and age need to be more sheltered from technology. I feel that in this day and age kids should have grown up without technology.


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