Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Ted Talk Posts

After watching all the TedTalks I realized that all my information is not private and the government is spying on us more than we think. I was surprised to find out that police cars have cameras that take a picture of you license plates that store information for the future. I was also upset to know that the police take pictures of what we do and they store them. Also I thought it was interesting that our calls used to be listened to all the time. Since Apple is coming out with newer technology it has become harder to access messages and texts though phones. I thought it was interesting that companies kept complaining that they wanted more access to people's phones if they did something bad. I also thought electric tattoos are very interesting. These tattoos that are like online footprints. That can be scary. For example when you post a picture on facebook you are able to get face recognized. That is crazy. From a couple of pictures facebook knows who you are. Online is not private anymore and that is super scary to me. The fact that nothing stays private anymore scares me. 

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